
    The Drugs Control Organization, Rajasthan is a Regulatory Department. It regulates manufacture of drugs & cosmetics for sale, and sales of drugs. The Organization carries out following functions, which have interface with public.

    Licensing – The Drugs Control Organisation grants following licenses:

  • Sale of drugs (medicines)
  • Manufacturing of drugs – Allopathic and Homoeopathic drugs
  • Manufacturing of Cosmetics
  • Manufacturing of Medical Devices
  • Operation of Blood Centres

    Monitoring the Quality of Drugs and Cosmetics –
    This is achieved through constant vigil exercised by the field staff who conduct inspection of sales and manufacturing premises and carry out sampling of drugs and cosmetics. The samples of drugs and cosmetics are tested in the Govt Testing Laboratories.
    Complaint Redressal – The complaints received from the public regarding quality of drugs and cosmetics or any other violation of Drugs and Cosmetics Act and Rules are attended and duly investigated with promptness and necessary action is taken in the matter.
    Ensuring Availabilityof Drugs at proper prices – The field staff keeps an eye over the availability of drugs and the prices at which these are sold in the market, in order to ensure that these are not sold at prices higher than that allowed. The offenders are booked under law.